Cricket's Old Homestead
I took a workshop sponsored by the Southeastern Pastel Society; it was given by the judge of the Society's Show, which I was lucky enough to win an award. His name is Marc Hanson, which is a very wonderful landscape artist. I love his work and workshops are an inspiring source if given by the right person. I used some of my reference material from photos I took of a friends old homestead, who is now passed; she was also into Airedales. Her old estate is up for sell now, so we got to visit the place. If I had the money to buy and hirer somebody to restore it; I could live there for the rest of my life. With Ebba, our Airedale, on the property it looked like Airedale Haven again. I am redoing that painting to a bigger size plus changing a few things, so I can use it in shows. You can't use a piece you did in a workshop in a show.